
For steel treatment, concrete furnaces and primaries with very high process temperatures Measuring points with extremely high process temperatures require these special ceramic protection tubes. Made from special materials, it serves as protection from mechanical and chemical damages in the process and increases the life span of the used sensors. This leads to: Cost savings for maintenance of the measuring point, quality improvements of the products and increased plant safety. It is designed as replacement part for the high temperature TC thermometer TAF11 by Endress+Hauser.
  • Benefits
    • Long lifetime by usage of innovative protection tube materials with increased wear and chemical resistance
    • Long term stable measurement due to sensor protection with non-porous materials
    • Replaceable parts
  • Field of application Applicable for steel treatment (annealing), concrete furnaces and primaries. Accessory for high temperature assembly TAF11. Process temperatures up to +1600 °C (+2912 °F).